New review of Storms We Face remix!

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the new remix of Storms We Face, you can find that link here. You won’t be disappointed!

In other news you can also check out a review Savaal magazine wrote up of the newest track below or at this link. Hope you all have a great holiday!

From Savaal Media…

Chris Corey is a talented musician from Vancouver, Canada who has been creating music since 2017. His latest release, a remix of a song he released in December of last year, tackles the difficult themes of struggle and overcoming adversity.

The song, 'Storms We Face' explores the challenges that people face in life and how we can support them as they navigate these storms. Corey's lyrics are both poignant and relatable, offering a message of hope and resilience in the face of difficult times.

Corey has a unique style and sound, blending elements of electronic music and indie rock to create a truly memorable listening experience. His passion for music is evident in every note, and it's clear that he pours his heart and soul into every song he writes.

Overall, Chris Corey is a talented musician with a bright future ahead of him. His songs are moving and inspiring, and his passion for music is evident in everything he does. We can't wait to see what he has in store for us next.


New review from


‘Storms We Face’ has a new remix!